Looking for a new project in JavaScript that I have not done in Python, I got to thinking about arrays.

  1. Javascript Blackjack Dealer Log
  2. Javascript Blackjack Dealer Portal
  3. Javascript Blackjack Dealer Login

Learn how to build a playable Blackjack web based application from scratch! Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript this course will show you how to create a game from scratch. One of the best ways to learn how to use JavaScript is to apply it to projects. This course show you the steps and process from a blank file to building out the entire game.

  1. Help with javascript blackjack game. I wanted to add the below things into program. If player hits 21 or goes over 21 the game is over and the appropriate message is displayed ('Player Wins! Or Player Busted') If player stands at under 21, the dealer hits and will continue to hit as long as dealer.
  2. JAVASCRIPT: Need help to writing a basic simulation of how a BlackJack dealer draws cards. Write a basic simulation of how a BlackJack dealer draws cards. Note: there is no user interaction here (no prompts or alerts, unless you're doing the Challenge portion), just output on the web page.

As JavaScript allows us to generate random numbers and store variables (see “Scissor, Paper, Stone”) it should allow me to also recreate the card game of Blackjack or 21. For more information on Blackjack please see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackjack

The smallest game of Blackjack requires 2 people – a player and a dealer.

The objective of Blackjack is for the player to either score 21 with 2 cards, or get a higher score than the dealer without going over 21. If the player goes over 21 then they lose. If the dealer goes over 21 then the banker loses.

The dealer is going to be controlled by the computer.

I’m going to use one deck of cards (52 cards). The 52 cards are split into 4 suites (Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs) with each suite containing 13 cards:

Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King

For this version of Blackjack I’m going to define an Ace as having the value of 1, and the Jack, Queen, King as having the value of 11.

So each suite now has;

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11

The values can be stored in an array, which we can call “deck”:

// variable to hold the deck of 52 cards

var deck = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11];

We then need JavaScript to randomly choose a card and remove the card from the possible cards that can be played.

// geektechstuff


// BlackJack

// variable to hold the deck of 52 cards

var deck = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11];

// variable to choose a random card from the deck

var card = deck[Math.floor(Math.random()*deck.length)],

card_remove = card,

position = deck.indexOf(card);

if (~position) deck.splice(position, 1);

// checking that a card is picked and that it is removed from deck


Javascript Blackjack Dealer Log


Next up I will need to look at storing the card values in the players hand or the dealers hand and checking if the values have gone over 21.

Blackjack is supposed to be one of the easiest casino games to beat. After all, it features a low house edge in comparison to most games.

However, you still may find yourself struggling to book winning sessions on a consistent basis. Even when you are winning, your profits can drain out as you continue playing.

In these cases, it really helps to know why you have such a tough time beating blackjack. Below, I’ll discuss 5 reasons why the dealer keeps kicking your butt along with how you can change things around.

1 – The Dealer Acts Second

Some gamblers have adopted an extreme strategy that involves mimicking the dealer. Their thought process is that if the dealer wins most of the time, then they can at least match the croupier by playing by the same rules (I.e. hitting until a hard or soft 17).

The same gamblers are dead wrong on this strategy! Mimicking the dealer results in a massive 7% house edge. But why?

The croupier doesn’t win just because they play by a strict set of rules. In fact, being forced to hit until a soft/hard 17 actually lowers their chances of winning.

Instead, the dealer’s biggest advantage comes from acting after you. They deal the cards and wait for you to play your hand before doing anything else.

If you bust out, then you automatically lose. Meanwhile, the dealer beats you without ever having to make a decision.

The casino tries to soften the blow by giving you extra actions that the dealer doesn’t enjoy. You can split pairs and double down when rules permit.

These special privileges help when you’re trying to reduce the house edge. But they still don’t allow you to totally overcome the dealer’s advantage.

2 – Not Everybody Bothers With Blackjack Strategy

One of the most-entertaining parts about blackjack is that it features in-depth strategy. You can improve your chances of winning by knowing how to act in each situation.

Here’s an example of a tricky blackjack scenario:

  • You hold a pair of 9s.
  • The dealer’s upcard is 7.
  • You split these 9s in most situations.
  • However, basic strategy calls on you to stand in this specific instance.

There’s one right way to play the above situation and multiple wrong ways. You’ll run into these types of decisions again and again in blackjack.

You won’t automatically know how to deal with tricky situations. That said, a basic blackjack strategy chart can do wonders for your results.

These charts, which are extremely easy to find by the way, show the correct move for every situation. As long as you can read a color-coded chart, you can play perfect blackjack.

Nevertheless, many gamblers still don’t bother to take the two minutes it requires to find one of these charts online. They instead think that they’ve already mastered the game through experience alone.

Most gamblers can play reasonably well as long as they don’t try mimicking the dealer. But they’ll still surrender anywhere from 2% to 4% edge by ignoring strategy.

3 – Blackjack Games Move Fast

It seems like the casino already benefits quite a bit from the dealer acting second. But as I’ll discuss later, you can still lower the house edge to 0.5%–or even less in certain cases.

The problem, though, is that casinos can still beat you badly even if they only have a tiny advantage. Blackjack games are built to move fast so that the house can capitalize.

Javascript Blackjack Dealer Portal

Depending upon the dealer’s speed and number of players involved, a blackjack table can see up to 100-150 hands per hour. You may even play 300+ hands an hour through online blackjack.

Javascript Blackjack Dealer Login

More action creates more entertainment when you’re gambling. However, it also leads to bigger losses over time.

You might still not feel like taking breaks and slowing the game down after reading this. After all, the point of blackjack is to have fun rather than trying to minimize your losses. But the fact remains that the casino wins more money, on average, when you’re exposed to more hands.

4 – The Rules Are in the Casino’s Favor

As I covered before, casinos give you special options that the dealer doesn’t have access to. Doubling down and splitting in the right situations give you a better chance at beating the dealer.

Even still, any competent casino will still ensure that they skew the rules in their favor. They tweak each rule to ensure that they at least hold a small advantage.

Of course, you can counteract this to some degree by looking for tables with the best rules. Even then, though, you’re not going to find any games that give you the edge.

Some casinos use tricky moves to fool you into thinking that your chances of winning are better. For example, they’ll offer single-deck tables with 6:5 natural blackjack payouts.

A single deck reduces the house edge by 0.59% when compared to the common 8-deck games. However, the 6:5 natural payouts boost the house advantage by 1.39% compared to 3:2 payoffs.

You know to look for this rule and avoid it in the future. But you’re still going to face other rules that increase the house edge.

5 – Casinos Boot Card Counters

Card counting is the most-popular way to gain an edge over the casino in any circumstance. In fact, blockbuster movies have been made about the subject.

However, casinos don’t just let you walk into their establishments and make easy money. They’re private businesses and they have the right to stop you if they think you’re counting.

You might feel that this is unfair when considering that the casino can take your money but is afraid to lose. But every gambling jurisdiction, except for Atlantic City, allows the house to boot counters.

It’s still possible for you to evade casino detection and make money. But you’ll find camouflaging your play to be much more difficult than simply learning card counting.

What Can You Do to Beat the Dealer in Blackjack?

You can see that you’re up against a lot when trying to win blackjack profits. Luckily, you can boost your chances of success by following the tips presented below.

Look for Games With Favorable Rules

Casinos have slowly added more and more rules that favor themselves. The house edge now pushes 2% in some gambling establishments—even when you use perfect playing strategy.

Fortunately, you don’t have to settle for these terrible games. You can still find fair real money blackjack tables both online and in land-based casinos.

The main thing you want to look at before placing a bet is the table felt. Specifically, you need to ensure that natural blackjacks pay 3:2 instead of 6:5. This is lone rule improves your chances of winning by 1.39%.

You can also look for one or more of the following rules that reduce the house edge:

  • Single-deck 8-deck blackjack – Lowers house edge by 0.59%
  • Double down on any total vs. doubling on 9 through 11 – Lowers house advantage by 0.25%.
  • Dealer stands on soft 17 vs. hitting – Lowers house edge 0.2%.
  • Double down after splitting (DAS) – Lower the house edge or advantage by 0.17%.
  • Re-splitting aces – This reduces the house advantage by 0.08%.
  • Late surrender – This lowers house advantage by 0.07%.

Learn Blackjack Strategy

It never ceases to amaze me how many blackjack players refuse to learn strategy. The same gamblers are basically throwing money away by not putting their pride aside.

You merely need to find a strategy chart through Google to get started. You can probably complete the search within 15 seconds.

Assuming you’re playing online blackjack, you can easily refer to a strategy chart on every hand. Eventually, you’ll memorize the moves and not have to look at this resource as much.

Land-based casinos don’t want you slowing down the action by referring to your chart on every single hand. But if you’ve already practiced online first, you won’t have to look at the chart so often.

Try Card Counting

Earlier, I discussed how the main challenge associated with card counting is getting away with it. Casinos almost everywhere have the legal right to throw you out for counting.

But you should still consider this advantage gambling method if you’re truly serious about blackjack. You can use card counting to gain an edge over the house ranging from 0.5% to 1.5%.

You might be surprised to know that learning how to count cards isn’t that difficult.


The dealer’s biggest advantage is that they get to act second. Assuming you bust out, then they automatically win before even flipping over their hole card.

The croupier also benefits from the lack of common blackjack strategy knowledge and rules skewed in the house’s favor. If they deal at a fast speed on top of this, then you’ll really have some trouble winning.

Nevertheless, you can still improve your odds by learning strategy and seeking favorable rules. You might even try your hand at card counting to see if this helps too.

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